These programs are particularly suited to community workers who are looking to advance and specialize in community development. It offers academic treatment of community development by emphasizing well rounded ideas and methodology. Furthermore, students are exposed to a global development model wherein cultural analysis is of utmost importance. One of the goals of the course is also to make students familiar with the effects of globalization internally as well as within the surrounding communities. More importantly, administration and management of global enterprises regarding community development.
To attain diploma status, students need to enroll in graduate studies. Depending on the rating and goals of a person, they can then proceed to have their Master's degree.A successful candidate is awarded with Master of Arts in International Community Development.
A load of opportunity are presented to the students including the opportunity to establish historic and modern day concerns in international community development; They are also trained to determine the different factors that impact globalisation locally and also its effect worldwide. Students often engaged in a healthy debate of academic principles including several critical writings regarding the issue. Lastly, students can enforce these knowledge in a real world, often with the participation of shareholders and business partners
Following are among the few fields where students can find work:
- Worldwide consultation (Human rights, climate change, poverty reduction)
- International project executives
- Government officers (AusAid)
- Non-government agencies concerned with the flow of trade, humanitarian assistance and disaster recovery
- International project officers
- Journalism
For more information regarding postgraduate community studies and international trade course, please click on the following link
Community development degree
Community development degree Australia
International trade course
International trade degree Melbourne